Essay 1 Tips. This is a goals essay with a slight deviation from the norm. This LBS application question is one of the few Business School essays that sharply zoom into your immediate post MBA job. LBS clearly wants a logical career progression that connects your past, present and future with the LBS MBA This is a fairly standard career goals/why MBA essay, asking applicants to specify their post-MBA plans and to discuss the ways their work experience to date prepared them, as well as the ways they see an MBA from LBS fitting into this picture. Given the amount of ground that needs to be covered in this response, highlighting one or two major accomplishments should be appropriate, but it will be Sample LBS MBA Essay: Post-MBA Goals - How Prior Experience & LBS MBA will contribute ( Words) (Financial Risk Management to Consulting to Operations) 2) A Detailed analysis of the latest LBS MBA Curriculum (Core, Electives, LondonCAP, Conferences & Social Events, International Exchange Programs, Global Business Experience, International Competition, Social Trips and Internships)
London Business School MBA Essays | Analysis and Tips |
Essay 1: What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programme contribute towards these? Optional Essay: Is there any other information you believe the Admissions Committee should know about you and your application to London Business School?
LBS MBA Essay 1: What lbs mba essay your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programmes contribute towards these? During my extensive working experiences from the grassroots levels with artisans, NGOs, craft-clusters to working with leading global fashion brands like Zara and Marks and Spencers, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the fashion and luxury design industry.
My role and client exposure has allowed me to acquire and develop good skills in identifying client needs, country-specific distinct design aesthetics, and strong interpersonal skills while dealing with international clients. I also lead a design team of 20 members who have helped refine my leadership and team management skills. However, lbs mba essay, at this stage of my career, I have limited exposure or knowledge of critical business areas like strategy, finance, brand management, etc.
I believe the lack of business knowledge and hands-on working experience in business management or strategic roles can limit my professional aspirations.
Hence, after a detailed discussion with my mentors, and senior leaders lbs mba essay the industry, I believe an MBA would be the perfect program for me to upskills myself and grow my career further.
I was thoroughly impressed by the feedback I received and since then I have lbs mba essay aspiring to pursue my MBA at LBS. Outside of the classroom, I believe the activities lbs mba essay by Retail and Luxury Goods Club or the unique offering of Walpole Luxury Management programme can really help me gain a deeper understanding of the fashion and luxury industry from a business management perspective.
Which I can later leverage into internship or job opportunities. Overall, I am confident that with my past experience in the fashion industry, and learnings from LBS MBA experience I will be able to achieve my career goals and contribute significantly to raise the bar for learning at LBS for my diverse cohort of fellow MBA peers.
LBS MBA Essay 2: Tell us about your main interests and activities in your free time. I play an Indian classical music instrument, Sitar, which helps me stay stress-free and provides a pathway to express my feelings in a subtle but creative manner.
The experience of performing live on-stage in front of large audiences taught me the importance of being prepared, increased my self-confidence tremendously, and transformed me into a more collaborative person, lbs mba essay. Moreover, the physical nature of these activities taught me an essential life-lesson that no matter how difficult a task appears in the beginning, perseverance helps achieve the goal. Lastly, to sharpen my concentration, manage anxiety, I regularly practice ancient Indian Meditation and Yoga techniques.
LBS MBA Essay 3: We encourage applicants to take into consideration the impact of study on family and friends. Who have you discussed lbs mba essay plans with lbs mba essay what was the response? I come from an erudite Indian family where education is heavily valued and encouraged Everyone in my family is a graduate of esteemed colleges in their respective fields. I was sure that everyone would encourage me, but still, I have discussed my plans with everyone.
My husband has a settled business in India, and we live in a close-knitted joint family of 6-members. He extended his full support. If I get selected at LBS, we both are planning to relocate together to London, and he has already started exploring potential business expansion opportunities in the UK for his business. My mother-in-law was so encouraging that lbs mba essay even offered her savings to help me fund my MBA. After getting my GMAT score, I discussed my MBA plans with my mentors and current boss.
They all were pleasantly surprised, wholeheartedly extended their support to write any recommendation letters if needed and helped me get connected with other LBS alum in their network, lbs mba essay.
LBS MBA Essay 4: If you know any London Business School Alumni or Students, please give their names, graduating class and tell us how you know them. Collectively, through these interactions, I have built an amazing clarity about my prospective journey at LBS.
Some of my interactions with LBS alumni are:. She even shared details of her LondonCAP experience of working with John Lewis after knowing that I have worked with John Lewis in my current role. She also introduced me to relevant initiatives which are not yet available on the website like the collaboration with the Royal College of Arts for design innovation projects, etc.
I also connected with ABC and XYZ from the class of Claire also shared her experiences with the Walpole Luxury Management programme and provided insights into future career prospects for luxury and fashion industry aspirants. Apart from these, I also had similar insightful conversations with Arunesh Kumar, Maria Vitória Moura and Charul Pant from the class of LBS MBA Essay 5: Tell us about your responsibilities.
I am working as a Senior Designer at Orient Craft in Delhi. Orient Craft is the No. I manage lbs mba essay. As a senior designer, I pitch ideas to new clients; take care of sample development as per client briefs and sales order closures. Under strategic leadership initiatives, I officiated a first-of-its-kind 4-member team to introduce fresh design concepts, using under-explored craft techniques. LBS MBA Essay 1: What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience lbs mba essay the London Business School programme contribute towards these?
I have more than eight years of experience in the data science domain. I have risen up to lead a team of 25 data scientists as the assistant vice president at loyalty rewards. Post-MBA, I would lbs mba essay to use my expertise in the data science domain coupled with a business degree to seek a leadership role in data science or Artificial Intelligence AI based product start-ups. In the long term, I aspire to start my own business in the same domain.
I started my career as a Business Analyst at Mu Sigma when Mu Sigma was a small data science startup. I learned important lessons about the type of work culture which makes an organization succeed.
I collaborated with teams across 4 countries and worked for 4 Fortune clients, lbs mba essay. Working at an early stage start-up gave me leadership experience early in my career and later, I joined Loytly Rewardz as a Manager. As a manager here I learned about cross-functional dynamics and collaboration between functions like marketing, business, and technology and grew into a leadership role of assistant vice president reporting directly to the CEO.
I took over this role when there was a management change in the organization and brought back stability to the membered department while facing high employee attrition. Now I am part of senior leadership at the company and I think lbs mba essay from my technical skills my business acumen needs to be lbs mba essay to grow further into leadership roles.
Also, lbs mba essay, to lbs mba essay my entrepreneurial aspirations, I need a stronger cross-functional understanding and business knowledge. I understand lbs mba essay an MBA will help bridge these gaps and hone my interpersonal skills to influence and negotiate.
Based on my research and interactions with alums and students, I believe that London Business School perfectly suits my aspirations. All the students Lbs mba essay interacted with emphasized that LBS has an excellent focus on global business or entrepreneurship. I believe the Business Fundamentals core will strengthen my foundations in finance, marketing, and operations and programs like GLAM and the Leadership Launch sessions will give me an opportunity lbs mba essay fine-tune my leadership skills.
I really like the Entrepreneurship Summer School and the Enterprise club which will provide an excellent opportunity to practically learn about entrepreneurship. Tailored courses can aid me in building relevant skills for entrepreneurship and a strong network with leading start-ups in the data science and AI domain, lbs mba essay. Most importantly for me, London is the most suitable place to go for an education and relocate with my family because my husband works for a London Headquatered firm and can easily relocate to London.
LBS MBA Essay 2: Academic performance — Do you feel that your academic performance so far gives an accurate indication of your potential for success on the programme?
If so, why? If not, why not? My GPA in my first four semesters was low due as it took time for me to adapt to staying away from family. It increased significantly in the last 2 years as I regained focus quickly, lbs mba essay. I graduated in the first division. My GMAT score of is a fairer indication of my potential. LBS MBA Essay 4: Tell us about your responsibilities. I head the 25 membered Data Science unit at Loylty Rewardz and report to the CEO. My unit is responsible for:.
I am responsible for project management, team building, lbs mba essay, stakeholder management and overseeing BAU work in the team, lbs mba essay. I collaborate with the rest of the leadership team, sales teams across 6 cities to devise campaign strategy as per business objectives, lbs mba essay, propose new solutions for increasing the business of Loyalty Rewardz, and deliver analytical insights for our banking and retail clients. I am also responsible for resource planning, hiring and overseeing induction at all levels in my lbs mba essay. I was appreciated by the CEO for creating a comprehensive onboarding plan for new joiners in my team to help them understand the business, data and various technical skills.
I also contribute to key strategic initiatives of the organization like formulating client engagement calendar or re-modelling the loyalty platform. During my five year tenure at Loytly Rewardz, I have grown from a Manager to the VP — Chief Data Scientist, lbs mba essay, reporting directly to the CEO. LBS MBA Essay 5: Additional Information — Please tell us your most significant international experiences to date.
I love to travel and explore new places and lbs mba essay. I spent 10 days in the UK visiting various sites including the historic city of Edinburgh, my favourite author Jane Austen Museum at Bath and the British museum with ancient artefacts in London.
I was also very fascinated with the rich history and culture of Czech Republic during my recent trip. Professionally, I have worked with Indian, British, American, Argentinian and Omani clients.
I have visited Oman on a business trip, lbs mba essay. LBS MBA Essay 6: Tell us about your main interests and activities in your free time. I have been interested in writing since childhood. I participated in many public speaking and writing events. I received a Merit certificate in district-level essay writing and elocution competition during my early schooling.
I also won the essay writing competition conducted at my college during B, lbs mba essay. I have been blogging for 5 years now, lbs mba essay. During my free time, I express my ideas through my personal blog which has around page-views in a month. I often write about women empowerment and other themes which inspire me.
I like to see life as a continuum of learning. I have been learning Carnatic music for the last 1, lbs mba essay. I take classes thrice a week lbs mba essay practice before and after work, or when I put my daughters to sleep. Carnatic music is devotional. Learning and practising it has been a healing and spiritual experience for me. I like to try new things and started learning freestyle dance since the last 1.
I take classes every alternate day.
MBA Admissions Essay Masterclass 4: London Business School, INSEAD \u0026 HEC Paris
, time: 1:28:00LBS MBA Sample Essays and Tips - Ameer Khatri | MBA Consultant

Essay 1 Tips. This is a goals essay with a slight deviation from the norm. This LBS application question is one of the few Business School essays that sharply zoom into your immediate post MBA job. LBS clearly wants a logical career progression that connects your past, present and future with the LBS MBA This is a fairly standard career goals/why MBA essay, asking applicants to specify their post-MBA plans and to discuss the ways their work experience to date prepared them, as well as the ways they see an MBA from LBS fitting into this picture. Given the amount of ground that needs to be covered in this response, highlighting one or two major accomplishments should be appropriate, but it will be Sample LBS MBA Essay: Post-MBA Goals - How Prior Experience & LBS MBA will contribute ( Words) (Financial Risk Management to Consulting to Operations) 2) A Detailed analysis of the latest LBS MBA Curriculum (Core, Electives, LondonCAP, Conferences & Social Events, International Exchange Programs, Global Business Experience, International Competition, Social Trips and Internships)
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